Saturday, March 12, 2011

Complications I Don't Want to Deal With.

Well here we are again. I've run into a bit of a problem.
There's this guy (shocker!). Let's call him Alex. I like Alex. A lot.
There's my friend. Let's call her Miranda. She likes Alex too. A lot. She also likes Tyler. A lot.
There's my other friend. Her name is Arianna. She likes Tyler. A lot.
Then there's me. A while ago, Arianna and I made a tiny pact. I help her get Tyler, she helps my get Alex. Win-win. Then Miranda came into the situation. I'm almost dead positive that Alex likes her. Miranda told me that if I help her get Tyler, she will help me get Alex. Who do I help? Arianna or Miranda?

One more problem---

I'm starting to like Tyler. A lot.